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C - Nominations Committee - Procedures

Nominations Committee – Procedure



Purpose of this Document


The purpose of this document is to outline the approach that will be used by the nominations committee to:

  • Define the type and mix of skills that will provide a strong and balanced board for CRCP;

  • Identify the procedure the committee will use to screen potential board members;

  • Assist with the skills and screening of the Ambassador selection process;

  • Document the information that will be provided to potential recruits;

  • Identify the information that candidates will be asked to provide to the nominating committee; and

  • Formalize the procedure that will be followed to orient new board members including a list of documents the candidate must sign before officially becoming a board member.


Useful Skills for CRCP Board Members

The following is a list of skills that will be useful for a balanced Board. The goal of the committee is to complete an inventory of the skill and experience set of the existing and continuing board members, and to identify gaps that should/could be filled by strategic recruiting of new members.


Skills/Experience Inventory for CRCP Board Members

○      Finance (CA)

○      Administrator

○      Lawyer

○      Rotarian

○      Non-profit Community

○      Fundraiser

○      Engineer/Architect/Construction (Management)

○      Public Relations/Marketer

○      Advocate

○      Medical Professional

○      Networker with Public & Private Service

○      Corporate leader

○      Community leader

○      Youth Leader

○      Planner

○      Previous Board Experience

○      Human Resources

○      Other


Director Identification and Qualifications

The Nominations Committee is responsible for assisting the Board in identifying individuals qualified to become members of the Board of Directors. Potential candidates for Board positions are identified by the Board of Directors and the Nominations Committee through a variety of means, including the use of search firms, recommendations of Board members, recommendations of staff, recommendations from Rotary Clubs and membership recommendations received as provided below. Potential candidates for nomination as Director must provide written information about their qualifications and participate in interviews conducted by individual Nominations Committee members, including the Chair of the Board. Candidates are evaluated using the criteria adopted by the Board to determine their qualifications based on the information supplied by the candidates and information obtained from other sources. Potential Board members should also be required to audit one board meeting.

The Nominations Committee will recommend candidates for election as Director only if they satisfy two or more of the following qualifications, which have been recommended by the Nominations Committee to, and approved by, the Board:

  • Financial Literacy. Such person should be “financially literate” as such qualification is interpreted by the Board of Directors in its business judgment.

  • Leadership Experience. Such person should possess significant leadership experience, such as experience in business, finance/accounting, law, education or government, and shall possess qualities reflecting a proven record of accomplishment and ability to work with others.

  • Commitment to the Society’s Values. Such person shall be committed to promoting the financial success of the Society and preserving and enhancing the Society’s reputation as a leader in business, and in agreement with the mission and values of the Society.

  • Absence of Conflicting Commitments. Such person should not have commitments that would conflict with the time commitments of a Director of the Society.

  • Reputation and Integrity. Such person shall be of high repute and recognized integrity and not have been convicted in a criminal proceeding or be named a subject of a pending criminal proceeding (excluding traffic violations and other minor offenses).

  • Other Factors. Such person shall have other characteristics considered appropriate for membership on the Board of Directors, including an understanding of marketing and finance, sound business judgment, significant experience and accomplishments and educational background.

Qualifications for nominees to Board of Directors 

The qualifications required for nominees are as follows:

  • All Board nominees must be voting members of the Society.

  • The majority of Board members must be Calgary and area residents.

  • Candidates must have sufficient time for Board and Committee duties, approximately 15 to 20 days per year to attend in person four or five sets of Board and Committee meetings each year. Total time required, including travel, is approximately 20 to 25 days each year

  • Background and skills should include senior business and/or non-profit experience and skills in at least two of the useful skills identified above.

  • Personal qualities would include the ability to:

    • put forward ideas while respecting the views of others

    • clearly and critically analyze proposals put forward by management

    • probe management proposals assertively, knowledgably and purposefully

    • communicate ideas clearly

    • understand the fundamental and strategic needs of the organization in the current environment

    • participate constructively in discussion

    • act with the best interests of the Society in mind

    • understand the balance between the Board’s role and that of management

    • excellent verbal and written communication skills

    • Strong team building and interpersonal skills



Information Provided to Potential Recruits

The nominations committee shall provide the following information to potential candidates.

  • History of the Society

  • The Vision, Mission and Values of the Society

  • The Board Manual “Table of Contents”

  • Board of Directors Job Description

  • The Oath of Confidentiality and all other documents that the director is expected to sign

  • A list of Supporting Organizations


Potential board members will be requested to provide a biography not exceeding one page to the chair of the nominations committee identifying the following information:

  • Academic background,

  • Experience in the business / government / not-for-profit sectors,

  • Board experience,

  • Volunteer experience, and

  • Areas of expertise.


The candidate will also be asked to identify their skills and experience from the skills/experience inventory sheet.


Procedures for Orientation of Incoming Directors


1.    Provide access to a copy of Board Manual, which should include:

  • Organizational documents (bylaws and policies).

  • Description of the mission and business of the organization.

  • Job descriptions of board members as well as senior employees.

  • Description of each committee and its role.

  • Summary of D&O insurance policy.


2.    Explain to Director their duties for Board Meetings.

  • Need to attend meetings.

  • Expectation that they will participate in discussions.

  • Review need to record conflicts of interest.

  • Expectation that they will read board materials distributed prior to the meetings.

  • Obligation to maintain confidentiality of meeting discussions.

 3. Discuss with Director the expectation regarding committee involvement and time commitment.

4. Provide copy of Confidentiality Document, discuss content and obtain signature.

5. Provide copy of Code of Conduct, discuss content and obtain signature.

6. Provide copy of Privacy Guidelines, discuss content.

7. Provide summary of Material Contracts.

8. Provide and discuss copy of Charitable Fundraising Act.

9. Provide summary of current donor restricted funds (i.e. funds to be held as investment, funds to be used for a specific purpose, etc.) and discuss.

10. Provide a list of organization employees and a job description for each.

11. Provide a summary of all signing authorities (i.e. who can sign cheques, who can sign contracts, who is authorized to engage services, etc.).

12. Provide a list of the reports that are regularly prepared by senior management, committees and Directors for Board Meetings.

13. Ensure Membership application process complete and fee paid.

14. Ensure a signed copy of Volunteer Application Form is on the file.

15. Ensure a signed copy of the Consent to Search & Disclosure form is on the file and search results have been completed.


Director Intake Notes


Ensure and Explain the following:

  1. Director’s Manual is kept current.

  2. Confidentiality Obligations and document signed.

  3. Privacy Obligation.

  4. Fundraising limitations and obligations understood. (copy of Fundraising Act)

  5. Each Director signs the Obligations of the Director document.

  6. Each Director has signed up to be a member.

  7. Directors’ responsibilities regarding assets impressed with a trust.

  8. Directors’ responsibility to ensure that donor restricted funds (i.e. funds to be held as investment, funds to be used for a specific purpose, etc.) are maintained in separate accounts and not co-mingled.  Provide a list of all investments.

  9. Expectations of the Director as far as time commitment (i.e. as director, requirement to serve on committees)

  10. The Director understands the expectation that they attend meetings and if not in attendance to read the minutes (advise them that there [will/may] be a request for them to leave the board where [ ] number have been missed in a 6 month period.

  11. The Director understands that the must declare conflicts of interest.



Executed Board Documents:

  1. Should be maintained on each Director by the Secretary of the Board.


Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA)


PIPA will apply to activities of a non-profit organization where the activity of the organization is a “commercial activity”.


“Commercial activity” means a transaction or regular course of conduct that is of a commercial character.


This definition would include selling membership lists, donor lists or fund-raising lists. It would include fund-raising for regular operations or non-charitable purposes rather than charitable purposes.  It would include activities that raise funds where the profits from the funds are to be used to support other activities.


  • I am interested in being considered for nomination to the Board of Director of Calgary Rotary Challenger Park Society.



Section I:  Applicant Data                                                         (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT)






              First                                    Middle                                                Last


Street Address:   




City:                                                                  Prov.:                                   Postal Code:                                      


Home Phone No.:                                                               Work Phone No.:                                                        


Fax Phone No.:                                                     Best Time to Contact                  AM                       PM


E-Mail Address:                                                                                                                                                       



Section II:  Interest/Experience


Mark all areas below with an “I” for Interest, or an “E” for experience where you have interest/experience that could be useful to the work of the Board?


           Administration                                                                Advocacy

           Board Experience                                                           Community Leader

           Corporate Leader                                                           Engineer/Architect/Construction

           Finance/Accounting/Audit                                            Fundraising ( Special Events)

           Fund Development (Capital)                                        Human Resources

           Lawyer                                                                             Medical Professional

           Network – Public/Private Services                              Non-Profit Community

           Long Range Planner                                                      Public Relations/Marketer

           Rotarian                                                                           Youth Leader

           Other (Explain)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            



Should you have an interest to sit on a Board driven committee please indicate which committee(s) by placing a check mark in the appropriate box or boxes.

[ ] Audit                 [ ] Fund Development              [ ] Governance                [ ] Nominations

Section III:  Supporting Materials


In addition to this application, please provide a statement of candidacy that addresses each of the following items to the Nominating Committee:


1.            Please provide a one page biography.  If you have prior CRCPS experience, please include that                information.


2.            Why you wish to serve on the CRCPS Board


3.            Describe specific skills and talents that you would bring to the Board.


4.            Describe any additional experiences, whether professional, social, or with other volunteer                      organizations, that would be beneficial to serving on the CRCPS Board.


5.            Include any other supporting materials so that we can get to know you better.


Section IV:  Certification


The foregoing information is true and correct.



Signature: ______________________________________     Date: _______________________


Return completed form and attachments by mail, fax or e-mail, to be received before the stated deadline of                                         , 20___ to:


Calgary Rotary Challenger Park Society
Attention:  Chair, Nominations Committee
Jim and Pearl Burns Centre
3688 – 48 Ave. N.E.
Calgary  AB  T3J-5C8






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